Intertek Polychemlab
Nikolaus-Otto-Str. 13 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Deutschland Telefon: Telefonnummer anzeigen
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Informationen über die Intertek Polychemlab
Intertek provides laboratory testing, laboratory outsourcing, consulting, cargo inspection and certification services for clients in a wide range of industries on a global basis. Industrial and commercial organizations choose Intertek for quality, professionalism, performance and solutions. Intertek is the world's largest product testing, inspection and certification partner providing manufacturers and retailers with a wide range of support and expertise. Global Intertek services for testing, inspection, consulting and research include: Intertek operates a global network of offices and analytical testing laboratories serving a wide range of industries. Intertek Oil Chemical and Agri, Intertek Analytical Services and Intertek Minerals Services are divisions of. |
43 Produkte der «Intertek Polychemlab»: