Piovan GmbH
Zeppelinstr. 30 (Plz 85748) 85741 Garching Deutschland Telefon: Telefonnummer anzeigen
Telefax: Telefaxnummer anzeigen
Internet: http://www.piovan.com
Informationen über die Piovan GmbH
About Us - Company profile Today, all over the world the name Piovan signifies a leader in quality in the plastics material processing sector. In more than 40 years of business, the company has become an international reality, with offices in every continent. With a great capacity for design and production, Piovan has completed a range of auxiliary machinery to respond to any requirement in the specific areas of Injection and Blow Moulding, Extrusion, PET Preforms and Optical Applications. A history written with a true passion for the product and innovation, with the capacity to grow technologically and continue to be in constant harmony with the markets and customers. (1.082Mb) |
3 Produkte der «Piovan GmbH»: