Telsonic AG

Kontakt ins Adressbuch Website Firma
Telsonic AG, Bronschhofen Industriestrasse 6B
9552 Bronschhofen

Informationen über die Telsonic AG

Ultrasonic applications can be found in virtually all pre-production and final assembly stages for manufacturing processes for articles made of plastic and metal - which means that TELSONIC, as the specialists in industrial ultrasonic technology, is equally ubiquitous. With creative application solutions and innovative high quality products, we help our customers to increase their productivity and give them an increased competitive edge.
In 2006 we celebrated our 40th anniversary and we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our customers, longstanding working partners and our committed team who have made the TELSONIC group what it is today.

2 Produkte der «Telsonic AG»:
