Informationen über Biologie und Biomedizin

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Biologie und Biomedizin Renishaw GmbH
Biologie und Biomedizin Biologie und Biomedizin chemical imaging is set to revolutionise spectroscopic analysis of biological materials. It allows biologists to take advantage of the superior chemical specificity and excellent spatial resolution associated with Raman spectroscopy to generate detailed chemical images at unprecedented speeds. In the image above, chemometric analysis of oesophageal tissue has identified that the concentration of glycogen is the primary differentiator between cells of differing maturity. Renishaw's new StreamLine technology applied to a tooth section. The unique capabilities offered by the SreamLine™ Raman imaging package allow rapid imaging of biological materials that would be destroyed by alternative imaging techniques Characterization of microorganisms using UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and chemometrics (2004), E Consuelo Lopez-Diez. Analytical Chemistry, 76, 585-591

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