Informationen über garage service tests

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garage service tests TEMA Verfahrens- und Anlagen
garage service tests Take advantage of our 15 years worth of experience in garage service tests: Choose your individual test scenario from our cross-brand criteria catalogue or challenge us with your own personal requirements. Our small team of experts guarantees a competent implementation of the project design. We adapt to your specific needs - we carry out the tests either completely anonymous or reveal the purpose of the test in a final discussion with your staff. In addition, we can resort to a pool of company owned cars, or access real customer cars. In order to be as authentic as possible, we recruit “real customers” who are instructed by our team and made familiar with the study objectives in detail. Throughout the entire test, these customers are accompanied by our testers.

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Leistungs- und Siegeltests

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Um die Produktivität einer Verpackungslösung vor der Investitionsentscheidung zu verifizieren,führen wirin unserem Anwendungszentrum einfache Leistungstests durch. Ebenso können wir Tests zur Beurteilung der Siegelnahtfestigkeiteiner...


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Prototypen und Tests

Prototypen und Tests

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• JSP stellt ARPRO® EPP-Prototypen für Kundenvorführungen, Testzwecke und Bewertungen her. Wir verwenden zur Anfertigung unserer Prototypen modernste CAD/CAM- und CNC-Technologien. Diese haben unterschiedliche Größen und werden in...

JSP International GmbH & Co. KG

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TEMA Verfahrens- und Anlagen

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QFN Testsockel

QFN Testsockel

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Leading the Movement Toward Miniaturization Because we lead the miniaturization movement, we offer the widest line of pitches available. As these pitches continue to shrink, the mechanical challenges become extreme. Tolerances Become...

uwe electronic GmbH

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Dyno Testsockel

Dyno Testsockel

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The New Standard in Testing Lead Free Devices With the patent pending Dyno Test Socket, you can get an innovative way to test lead free QFNs and other peripheral devices on 0.5mm and above. These test sockets provide consistent low and...

uwe electronic GmbH

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material tests

material tests

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• The Ostthüringische Materialprüfgesellschaft für Textil und Kunststoffe mbH (OMPG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of TITK. Since 1992, OMPG has served as a competent partner offering a broad range of services related to the chemical...

Ostthüringische Materialprüfgesellschaft für Textil und Kunststoffe mbH

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Die ausgeprägte Wasser- und Schimmelfestigkeit ermöglicht, innerhalb ein bis zwei Pflanzenanbauperioden, stabile Produkteigenschaften. Somit eröffnen sich auch Anwendungsgebiete, in denen Produkte längere Zeit im Einsatz sind, wie z....

Albrecht Dinkelaker

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BGA Testsockel

BGA Testsockel

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Making Ball Grid Array Sockets You Can Count On Ten years ago the high pin count market was relegated to PGA and CGA devices. Today BGA devices rule this market. There are plenty of challenges associated with high pin count BGA devices,...

uwe electronic GmbH

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QFP Testsockel

QFP Testsockel

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Peripheral leaded devices such as SOPs and QFPs introduce their own set of unique challenges into the testing environment. Because of these challenges, a common thought in the industry is that one could not use spring probe technology in...

uwe electronic GmbH

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Biotests Analysesoftware Collembolen

Biotests Analysesoftware Collembolen

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