Informationen über Guillotines

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Guillotines For chip and burr-free cutting of tenacious and semi-rigid profiles, strands, pipes and tubes. For example cutting of:are machines with moveable cutting device. This means the cutting device is accelerated to extrusion speed before the product is clamped and the cutting is started. The knife of the guillotine enters the product rapidly and carries out a drawing cut. This ensures a swarfless and burr-free cut without deformation of the product. During the cutting process the knife as well as the product is supported by guiding sleeves to guarantee best cutting results. EXTRUDEX guillotines are equiped with a measuring system for the pre-selection of the product length. Typ AG 050 Pneumatically driven* guillotine used for tenacious and semi-rigid materials (e.g. PE, PP or PVC-blends) refering to pipe shaped products up to 50 mm diameter with a wall-thickness of 9 mm. For softer materials or thinner walls larger pipes can be cut accordingly.

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Einsatzgebiet Neue Herbold-Guillotinescheren werden zur Vorportionierung von multifilamenten Ballen aus z.B. Fasern, Bändchen, aneinanderklebenden Folien sowie für große Klumpen, Kautschukballen etc. eingesetzt.Technik Neue Herbold -...


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Extrudex Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH

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Für das span- und gratfreie Schneiden von zähen und halbharten Profilen, Strängen, Rohren und Schläuchen z.B. Ablängen und Konfektionieren von:sind mitlaufende Trenneinrichtungen, d.h. die Schneidvorrichtung (Guillotine) wird auf...

Extrudex Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH

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