Informationen über Injection moulding

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Injection moulding Klaus Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Injection moulding Injection moulding With state-of-the-art and fully automated machine park The equipment of our state-of-the-art and fully automated machine park has a locking force of up to 17,000 kN and a maximum shot size of 8,000 g. The equipment of our state-of-the-art and fully automated machine park has a locking force of up to 17,000 kN and a maximum shot size of 8,000 g. To transform complicated tasks into standards is one of our specialties; another one is to reduce the number of process steps and the required supplies with the help of state-of-the-art tool technology. In this respect, we consider ourselves one of the leading suppliers in Europe. We process all thermoplastic materials. To transform complicated tasks into standards is one of our specialties; another one is to reduce the number of process steps and the required supplies with the help of state-of-the-art tool technology. In this respect, we consider ourselves one of the leading suppliers in Europe.

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