Informationen über Mobile Hydraulics

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Mobile Hydraulics Bosch Rexroth AG
Whatever it is that has to be hydraulically, mechanically and electronically driven and controlled in your mobile machines - Rexroth can provide you with all components, modules and systems for all conceivable requirements - inclusively service.The remotely powered hydraulic brake system with ABS from Rexroth provides maximum safety even during critical braking maneuvers, ensuring that the vehicle remains steerable and on track on a great variety of surfaces.Quantum leap in noise reduction - Rexroth introduces new low-noise external gear pump.With Diesel Hydraulic Control DHC Rexroth achieves the accustomed high dynamics of the travel and working hydraulics on mobile machines while lowering diesel engine speeds.Worldwide there has been an increased environmental consciousness on the part of industry, with more and more companies deciding to use scarce resources more carefully.Using appropriate solutions from Rexroth the challenges of TIER 4 and Stage IV are substantially easier to meet.

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