Informationen über VISU4WINners

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VISU4WINners Design a powerful and user-friendly user interface for your plant and machinery. VISU4WINners provides numerous functions and tools for designing projects with minimum effort., Object-oriented design software for all REDIS operating devices. Once designed, the object can be used again at any time., Data storage in Access format. Open database interface to other Windows applications., Simple and intuitive design of all objects and functions. Free design of all graphical objects., Minimum design effort due to template technology, multiplex and copy functions., Easy switching to other target devices without data loss during designing., Large design area also outside of the device screen for comfortable editing., Easy switching of protocol drivers and interfaces. Protocol-specific addressing of process connections. Bridge functions between several channels., Multi-language projects with up to 32 languages and up to 4 graphical character sets per language., Graphical character sets in Unicode format., Export and import of languages. Use of our database interface. Exporting, translation into Access or Excel and re-importing.

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